Thursday, October 26, 2017

Alexander Pope, Essay on Man

Alexander Pope: Essay on Man (1733-744)

Though it was written during the Enlightenment, Alexander Pope’s attempt to address the imperfect state of the world is in its essence not an Enlightenment work.

The Enlightenment is a period which runs (broadly speaking) from somewhere around 1650 to somewhere around 1800 in Europe, England, and America. It is characterized by writers, philosophers, and political activists (such as – for instance – Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and Benjamin Franklin) who reject traditional ways of thinking about knowledge, authority, religion, literature, and the social order.  Voltaire is one of the main figures in the Enlightenment, and everyone recognized his influence even at the time.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

ENGL 2013 Global Lit Assignments for October 19 - November 7

Thursday October 19: Optional Draft of Paper is due -- class will not meet. Work on paper, and turn in draft to me by 4:00 p.m. Bring the paper to my office, Vines 139, or email it to me at

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

ENGL 2013: Tang Poetry

Tang Poetry: 600-900AD

The Tang Dynasty a period of great wealth and cultural advancement in China. During this period, Chinese poetry reached new heights.

ENGL 2013: Buddhism


Buddhism follows the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, a prince who lived in India sometime around 500 BCE.  The principle philosophy of Buddha may be summed up as this: All suffering arises from desire; to end suffering, we must, rather than seeking to fulfill our desires, seek to stop desiring; we can stop desiring by recognizing that what we desire is illusion; we can realize this by following the eightfold path.

ENGL 2013: Taoism


Tao means, literally, the Way – a common concept in Eastern thought.  In Taoism, the Way of the Universe is flow: the universe is always in motion.  The only thing that always is, Lao Tsu (who is the creator of Tao Te Ching) tells is, is change. 

Ci or T’zu: Compassion.  One of the Three Jewels of Taoist Ethics.  Also translates as love or kindness.  It is the virtue of doing/loving/feeling for others as you would do/love/feel for yourself.

ENGL 2013: Global Lit Assignments for October 10 - October 31

Tuesday October 10: Tang Poetry 1309-1321

Thursday October 12: Study Day: Class won't meet

Tuesday October 17: Midterm

Thursday October 19: Optional Draft of Paper is due -- class will not meet. Work on paper, and turn in draft to me by 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday October 24: Alexander Pope, Essay on Man Vol. 2 (This is difficult to read -- give yourself some time)

Thursday October 26Candide, Vol 2 pp 100-136

Tuesday October 31: Finish Candide

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Marie de France

Marie de France

Marie wrote in Norman French, and almost certainly lived in England during the 12th Century.

New Testament Selections

Luke is probably written fairly late -- estimated dates of composition range from 80 to mid-first century; it may, however, be even later, into the second century, which would make it the latest written of all the gospels. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Assignments October 3 - 17

Tuesday October 3: Selections from the New Testament: Read pages 819-827

Thursday October 5: Marie de France: Read these Lais: Bisclavret, Yonec , and Le Fresne

Tuesday October 10: Tang Poetry 1309-1321

Thursday October 12: Study Day: Class won't meet

Tuesday October 17: Midterm

ENGL 2013: The Analects

Confucius, The Analects

Confucius, like Plato and Socrates, was a real person. He lived in the 6th Century BC, more or less from 550-470 BC, in NE China. This was just after the Zhou Dynasty collapsed into the Warring States period. Confucius lived, in other words, in interesting (which is to say, unstable) times.