Tuesday, October 10, 2017

ENGL 2013: Buddhism


Buddhism follows the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, a prince who lived in India sometime around 500 BCE.  The principle philosophy of Buddha may be summed up as this: All suffering arises from desire; to end suffering, we must, rather than seeking to fulfill our desires, seek to stop desiring; we can stop desiring by recognizing that what we desire is illusion; we can realize this by following the eightfold path.

The Four Noble Truths: This is Buddha’s first teaching
(1)   Life is suffering.
(2)   Suffering is caused by desire – either desire to gain something, or desire for something to cease.
(3)   Suffering ends when desire ends.  We can stop desiring, though, only when we realize that both our existence and the world around us are illusion.
(4)   We will reach this liberated state – nirvana – by following the Eightfold path.

The Eightfold Path: These are Buddha’s teachings about how to live so that we can reach enlightenment.
(1)   Right seeing – see the world as it is, not as it appears to be
(2)   Right intention – have the intention of harmlessness and renunciation
(3)   Right speaking – speak the truth, speak no hurtful words
(4)   Right action – do no harm
(5)   Right livelihood – make a living in a way that does no harm
(6)   Right effort – make the effort to improve
(7)   Right awareness – be aware, be here now, without desire or aversion
(8)   Right mediation – practice correct meditation

The Five Precepts: These are the five training rules, meant to help aspirants follow the path more easily.
(1)   Refrain from taking life
(2)   Refrain from taking that which is not given
(3)   Refrain from sensual misconduct
(4)   Refrain from lying
(5)   Refrain from toxicant which will lead to loss of mindfulness

Nirvana: This means emptiness, being “blown out”; it is the goal of a good Buddha.  Buddhist philosophy/religion holds that souls are reborn over and over.  Only by achieving Nirvana can we climb off the great wheel and achieve the peace of Nirvana.  Theravada Buddhism holds that once that enlightenment is achieved, we simply reach the end of the cycle of rebirths and are at peace. Mahayana Buddhism believes enlightened souls become Buddha, and advance to a celestial realm, a heaven; although some bodhisattvas remain on earth to help other souls achieve enlightenment.

Bodhisattva: Various sorts of Buddhas or very-near Buddhas who are delaying their enlightenment in order to remain on earth and aid in the enlightenment of others.

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